
The ultimate guide to becoming a baddie

The ultimate guide to becoming a baddie

Baddies have been a thing since the time of Nicki Minaj, Rihanna and Beyonce. Rihanna is the ultimate baddie. The Gen Z baddie is Meg thee Stallion.

Here’s the ultimate guide;

Tattoos are sine qua non to a baddie.

She doesn’t have to be extremely tatted, but tattoos on her wrist or shoulder, breasts, thighs, or ankles are a good way to begin the journey into the baddie lifestyle.

Piercings like multiple ear piercings, eyelid piercings, nose rings, nose studs, nipple piercings and such are also essential requirements.

An essential in the baddie lifestyle is confidence in your body. A baddie must be confident enough to wear less clothes.

Whether it is a night out with friends or travelling to exotic locations, baddies wear less and go out more.

Baddies take pictures in bikinis on a yacht and show us pictures of their buns soaking in the sun.

Jewellery like waist beads and anklets must be on a baddie’s waist and ankles. This jewellery adds some exotic spice to the baddie cocktail.

A baddie always has her nails done – always- not once in a while. She has nice long talons every time you see her and not cheap, tacky nails.

There isn’t a baddie who hasn’t taken a picture of herself in a bikini. Such a baddie simply doesn’t exist.

A body suit is the tighter version of a jumpsuit, what it does is hug the body tightly and show off the baddie’s amazing body.

A baddie must have several biker shorts. How else will she show off her thigh gap? It is in the baddie constitution.

The ultimate baddies are our sisters over the pond in the UK, the way their edges are laid and the softness of their wigs is every baddie’s dream.

An outfit with a dangerously long slit, bordering on risky, is a constant staple in every baddies wardrobe.

This special makeup technique crowns off every baddie going for a night out. We have to see the makeup popping and hitting the light just right.

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