
For women: How to know when to call your marriage quits

'If your partner is cheating on you, how would you like to know?' 5 men speak on it

Here are some signs women need to leave their marriages:

You have every right to leave the marriage if he cheats, even if it is once. Though it is still a forgivable offence, perhaps it was one time when you both were having problems.

Many people forgive adultery and still go on with their marriage, but if you can’t live with it, fine.

Here’s why adultery even once is enough because it is possible he has numerous children outside your marriage, and it was indeed not the first time.

This is continuous adultery, adultery that never stops, serially cheating.

Just when you think he has one mistress, you discover that they are five.

It’s disrespectful to yourself to stay in such a marriage, and anyone who says they love you but continues to hurt you is a manipulator.

He isn’t only sleeping around, but he is doing so without protection and now your vagina is infected with all sorts.

Marriage is about trust and if you can’t trust your partner in bed, then move on quickly.

If he hits, beats, shoves, slaps or threatens to do this to get you to obey him or conform to his behaviour, then you need to run away as far as possible.

Even if you have no money, your life is way more important. You can also report him to the police, family, and community members, so you are taken care of.

If he steals from you, then sis he has to go. The fact that you keep working and he continues to take your money without your permission shows he doesn’t care about you.

Men love to be providers, if he enjoys that you are the only one slaving away and not only that, he swindles you of your income then you got to leave him.

No one is saying leaving a marriage is easy especially when kids are involved, but often the repercussions of not leaving a toxic marriage on your mental and physical health are beyond words.

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